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Dashboard Dining

The term "dashboard dining" has come to signify the growing practice of eating while driving to save a little time. Popular freeway fare includes yogurt in squeeze tubes, soup in heat-and-sip containers, and small cookies that fit in cup holders. One US consumer products analyst says that people increasingly want food items that can be eaten quickly and easily while on the road. In some cultures, a leisurely meal at a table is becoming an endangered practice.

Being Useful

Jesus emerged from obscurity and was baptized by John the Baptist. When He came out of the water, He heard His Father say, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased" (Luke 3:22).

Fitness Training

My wife is an avid exerciser. She walks, rollerblades, and bikes to keep in shape. Because of her interest in exercise, she has encouraged our children to participate in sports activities at school and to exercise along with her.

The Seeking Father

When I was a young man, a friend invited me to join him in establishing a "consistent quiet time," as he put it. I knew that regular Bible reading, prayer, and worship were essential, and I wanted to spend time with God. But my friend's plan never worked for me. I would stay with his routine for a week or two, rising early each morning to work my way through a regimen of reading and praying. It was a discipline I imposed on myself—like doing 50 push-ups every day. But I couldn't sustain the effort. In time I gave up, not knowing how to satisfy my longings to spend time with God.

Finding Rest

According to a survey conducted by an insurance company, one of every six workers in the US feels too busy to take all the vacation days he or she has earned. Even though studies show that a week's holiday each year can dramatically reduce stress and the risk of heart attack, many people just keep working.

Break The Routine

When was the last time you read the Bible while sitting under an oak tree? Have you ever prayed while the cool water of a creek ran across your feet? Wouldn't it be enjoyable to meditate on God's Word while watching the sun come up over the horizon?